WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: 10th Nov > 16th Nov 2018

WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: 10th Nov > 16th Nov 2018

Weekly Horoscopes are guides for the coming week to help you navigate and make the best use of current and upcoming energies. Highlight how they might affect us all as well as highlights of key influences for each of the zodiac sign. 

These weekly forecasts come from the planetary influences that govern the energy of each day. Each day of the week is governed by a planet or a luminary (moon and sun), and so each day has a special energy and feel to it according to its overruling planet.

What Insights does the STARS reveal about your upcoming Week? Check out your Star Sign below to find out!


Our largest planet, Jupiter, moved into the sign of Sagittarius on Nov 8th and will remain in that sign for the next year.  Jupiter is the planet of expansion, optimism, philosophy,  travel and education. It generally represents improvements and growth in whatever department of life it touches.

 ♈  Aries (March 20–April 19)

Jupiter augurs improvements and good fortune through any or all of the following:  legal or ethical issues, contacts with foreign lands or people who live at a distance, the internet, higher education, teaching, publishing and long distance travel. Events of the next year will broaden your perspective on all of life and expand your sense of connection to a larger circle.


♉​​  Taurus (April 20 -- May 20)

Gain comes to you through areas of shared financial resources. These may include:  compensation from insurance or other group holdings, increases in partner's income, sale of property, gains through inheritance or gifts, increase in the value of stocks, bonds or other mutually held property, or tax benefits. Debts owed to you will be paid, whether financial or favors. Intimate life is on the upswing.

​♊  Gemini (May 20–June 20)

The year brings improvements in all your most intimate relationships. This may be the year to get married or develop a beneficial business partnership. Those with client bases will note considerable expansion. The period is favorable for attracting positive assistance through professional consultants, e.g., doctors, counselors, etc. Travel and/or education are on the increase.

♋​​  Cancer (June 21–July 21)

Jupiter will increase the physical vitality, heal anomalies, and offer improvements in work conditions. Relationships to coworkers will be enhanced and equipment may be updated. This is the time to look for a better job (or it may find you). Any type of self-improvement program, but especially those relating to the physical body, will have highly beneficial results.  Many will adopt pets.


♌​  Leo (July 22–August 21)

The time has come to relax and let yourself remember how to play. All types of creative work will be enhanced and those with children will find greater satisfaction and a more rewarding relationship in the next year. Those who want children or a new love affair will likely be granted their wish.  Give yourself permission to explore new possibilities in creative self-expression.


♍  Virgo (August 22–September 22)

This year Jupiter will bring improvements to your domestic life. This may manifest in a new home or other property, such as a car. It especially favors home decorating or expansion projects. Domestic problems of the past may be improved or resolved during this period. Opportunities to improve and augment relationships to the family of origin will be presented.


​​​♎  Libra (Sep. 23–Oct. 22)

During the next year opportunities for travel will probably increase. Relationships with siblings, roommates and/or neighbors will be more rewarding and your overall daily attitude becomes more optimistic. Focus of attention on communication (written or oral) will be highlighted. Educational opportunities are attractive and expanded. You may become a teacher in your field.


♏​ Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

You will likely have improvements in financial income or other personal resources. This may develop either as the result of general good luck or increased effort.  Optimistic attitudes concerning money could lead you to overextend resources.  Your sense of self-esteem is increased by several notches as you demonstrate what you have learned in recent years.


♐  ​​​Sagittarius (November 22–December 20)

Jupiter in your sign will lighten any load, renew your sense of optimism and reinforce your self-esteem. Help and cooperation of others will be more available to you, especially if you make your requests in person. The spiritual dimension of your life will improve and travel or education becomes more prominent. The only difficulty with this transit is the tendency for weight gain.


♑  ​​​Capricorn (December 21–January 19)

Any effort toward becoming more acquainted with the deeper parts of yourself will be well rewarded. Positive results can be achieved through psychotherapy, dream work, meditation, hypnosis and/or prayer. Assistance will come to you through unexpected (and possibly mysterious) sources. Your desire to contribute to the greater social good will increase and yield good "karma".

♒​  Aquarius (January 20–February 17)

Effort invested in organizational or group social causes will be returned in bounty. Networking with friends and acquaintances may play an active role toward helping you attain personal goals in life. Relationships with stepchildren (and more generally to other people's children) will improve and become a source of pleasure. Corporate financial resources may increase.


​♓  Pisces (February 18–March 19)

Any reasonable effort in the area of profession, career or social status should meet with favorable results during the next few months. There may be additional travel, or educational/teaching opportunities associated with career endeavors.  Relationships to superiors will be more supportive.  Opportunities develop to improve relationships with the family of origin.

Thank you for reading, please  Like - Follow - Share...Thank you!

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Leigh ^j^


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