WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: 17th Nov > 23rd Nov 2018

Weekly Horoscopes: 17th Nov > 23rd Nov 2018

What Insights does the STARS reveal about your upcoming Week? Check out your Star Sign below to find out!

Weekly Horoscopes are guides for the coming week to help you navigate and make the best use of current and upcoming energies. Highlight how they might affect us all as well as highlights of key influences for each of the zodiac sign.

These weekly forecasts come from the planetary influences that govern the energy of each day. Each day of the week is governed by a planet or a luminary (moon and sun), and so each day has a special energy and feel to it according to its overruling planet.

TIP FOR THE WEEK: Mercury turns retrograde and Venus goes Direct this week. Mercury is related to all types of communications so expect lost emails, dropped phone calls, and misunderstandings. Venus is the goddess of love. While retrograde, she encourages us to look inside ourselves for solutions to relationship difficulties.

Star Sign Guide:

♈  Aries (March 20–April 19)

Over the next six weeks life will work more smoothly if you let yourself be led by the "signs," circumstances, and people around you.  It will not be a time to attack in anger or initiate new ideas.  However, you can effectively respond to what comes your way.


♉​​  Taurus (April 20 -- May 20)

Your ruling planet, Venus, has been retrograding in the house of personal health since early October.  It is possible that this has been discouraging in relationship to any self-improvement routines, leading you to feel you can’t possibly accomplish your goals.  That was a plateau effect.  Now that Venus is direct you will have rapid improvement.

​♊  Gemini (May 20–June 20)

Mercury, your planetary avatar, turns retrograde in your seventh house of relationships this week.  This suggests that your partner or other significant people in your life may change their minds and back out of previously made agreements.  Have patience.  Maybe the plan really needs revision before going forward.  Double check details before committing.

♋​​  Cancer (June 21–July 21)

This Spring you have made a subtle shift in the direction of taking care of yourself first.  This stance fits well with the cosmic plan.  There is, however, a development early this week that causes you to overrule your new decision.  It requires your time and attention for a short while and then you can return to your original plan.  

♌​  Leo (July 22–August 21)

This week is about finding healing on either the physical or emotional levels.  You may be the healer or the healed.  It is possible that alternative medicine may play a role.  If a friendship or a more significant relationship needs mending, now is the time to do so.  The willingness to open your heart and mind to give and to receive is yours at this time.


♍  Virgo (August 22–September 22)

Last week I wrote about Jupiter, moving into the territory of home, hearth, and family.  It encourages you to expand and improve on your environment.  Now we have Mercury, turning retrograde in the same area.  This is a more immediate message that suggests you reconsider the specifics of your plans for a few weeks before you plunge forward.


​​​♎  Libra (Sep. 23–Oct. 22)

During the last two months you may have felt tentative about decisions because you weren’t clear where your life is headed.  Now that Venus turns direct in your sign, you will find yourself feeling gradually more decisive.  The fog will lift and you may be surprised how much better overall you feel.

♏​ Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Your attention shifts to matters concerning children, play, romance and recreation for the next few weeks.  You will likely be the one to initiate activities on these fronts.  If you have hesitated to ask someone to date you, now is the time to make an invitation.

♐  ​​​Sagittarius (November 22–December 20)

The planets are having a heyday with you this month.  Last week Jupiter, planet of strength moved into your sign, giving you a signal of increasing strength for the next year.  No sooner has that happened than Mercury turns retrograde in Sagittarius, telling you to slow down and think it over.  The “slow down” message is for only a few weeks.  Jupiter’s “go forth” message lasts for a full year.  

♑  ​​​Capricorn (December 21–January 19)

You have been identifying with something or someone that represents your well- being.  This week you have helpers who may or may not realize what they are doing, but their influence is positive.  Give attention to your dreams and also to interesting “coincidences”. 

♒​  Aquarius (January 20–February 17)

There is a shift of circumstances in your favor.  This shift may involve the law, publishing, internet contacts, travel, or your relationship to your place of worship.  Your personal attitude may alter for the better to allow this to happen.  Be open to change in these areas.


​♓  Pisces (February 18–March 19)

Mars, the red planet of war, enters your sign this week and will be traveling with you for six weeks.  This energy is best used to handle physically heavy projects or take initiatives that you might not otherwise tackle.  If you are choosing not to deal honestly with this assertive energy, the common side effects are irritability and infections.  It is healthier to take charge of it.

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Leigh ^j^

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