DAILY CARD: Monday 18th Dec, 2017

Daily Card: Monday 18th Dec, 2017

THE DOG:  Loyalty - Sincerity - Unconditional Love.

The Dog is the most loyal animal to human beings. When Dog appears on your path, he reminds you of this trait. Are you steadfast with your loved ones? Are you true to yourself and your dreams?

Do you act with sincerity? It's very important to do so now, for good fortune comes with the faithful Dog as your companion.

The Dog loves sincerely without conditions, and is happy to be part of a pack. Think about how you function in your community - are you a loyal team player?

Another issue the Dog asks you to consider is the loyalty of others. If someone is being insincere, move on because he or she isn’t meant to be in your pack.

Ask the Dog for a sign, and your answer will be shown.  Dog energy lives in your heart, so look there.

 Have a wonderful day everyone, brightest blessings Leigh X0



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