Tuesday Oracle Card: 27th Nov 2018

Today's Card is - PERCEPTION -  A Journey Marker.

This marker requires you to contemplate how you look at the world. through what eyes do you see? Do you peer through those of prejudice or judgement?

Are you viewing your present circumstances by projecting your past?

This is the time to slow down to observe from all angles. This calls for objectivity and a willingness to examine your life and others through a neutral pair of eyes.

Within you, awareness is transcending your ego's separated sense of self. Rise above it-see through your soul and know that things aren't always what they appear to be.

This marker brings clarity and asks you to look and to wait. Perhaps all you need to do is to relax and put on another pair of glasses; then what is in front of you may be magically transformed.

Perception is everything, take no further action until you see how this message applies to your current situation. Then once you have shifted your perception, you may find this was all you needed to do!.

Have a Wonderful Day!

Leigh ^j^

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