NEW "Black" MOON: Second New Moon For The Month Of July 2019!

It's New Moon Time!

Depending on where you live worldwide, the new moon falls on July 31 or August 1, 2019. Same new moon … different time zones. Thus this new moon is either the second of two July 2019 new moons. Or it’s the first of two August 2019 new moons.

Either way, the second of two new moons in one calendar month is sometimes called a Black Moon. In some places, the Black Moon will be July’s second new moon – In the world’s Eastern Hemisphere, the Black Moon falls in late August.

On July 31st, the night sky will host its second new moon, making it a Black Moon is a rare event which only happens about once every 29 months when there are two new moons in one calendar month, this event is considered lucky for giving us two opportunities to be confronted with revelatory information and new opportunities.

During the new moon phase, the moon becomes invisible and the other stars and planets in the sky appear to shine brighter. This same phenomenon happens to us on an emotional level.

For some signs the absence of the moon's glow will bring forth a collection of other factors that are otherwise unnoticeable - what ever issues or feelings that have been neatly tucked away in your subconscious are going to be brought swiftly into the light and into the undeniable conscious during July's new moon.

For other signs this new moon brings stress, anxiety and the potential for unexpected changes to your love life and finances stressing the importance of being patient and cooperative during this challenging moon phase for you. If you start to feel stressed and anxious, slow down, meditate and listen carefully to your intuition.
As a new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new cycle, this gives an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. So this is an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting new projects. It is also an excellent time where you can also question old habits, behaviours, and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress..

The effects of this July new moon lasts four weeks up to the August 30 new moon. The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of this new moon cycle. This waxing phase of the Moon lasts from July 31st to the August 15th Full Moon.

The New Moon is all about:
  • renewal
  • washing away
  • cleansing
  • birthing
  • beginning anew
  • starting new projects
 New Moon Magic:

The first appearance of the new moon begins the first day of the lunar month,  and is a great time for cleaning and ritual purification of the home, your altar or yourself, to wash away the old to make way for the now and to set intentions for the coming month.

Magic appropriate to the new moon period includes anything related to new beginnings, drawing magic of all sorts and anything related to growth and increase. It is also a good time to dedicate or re-dedicate tools and altars and for rites of passage.

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New Moon Blessings Everyone!

Leigh ^j^

Here Are Some New Moon Rituals You May Be Interested In:

NEW MOON RITUAL: Harness The Energy Of The New Moon!

NEW MOON MANIFESTATIONS: Getting The Most Out Of The New Moon!

NEW MOON RITUAL: 5 Simplistic Ways to Create A New Moon Ritual...

NEW MOON RITUAL: Utilizing the New Moon Energy to Cleanse & Charge your Crystals!

A New Moon Ritual: To Set Your Intentions & Manifest Your Desires in 4 Simple Steps!

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