August Is Ending With a New " Black" Moon, Supermoon! Plus New Moon Zodiac!

This Super New Moon will Heighten Emotions and Your Powers of Manifestation!

August 31st Black Moon is the result of a Supermoon falling on the day of the lunar New Moon phase. A Black Moon can also describe the second of two New Moons to spawn in a single calendar month.

The Moon is entering the "new" phase of its cycle, meaning it's not visible to the naked eye. Even though you can't see it, this upcoming Super New Moon marks one of the biggest lunar events of the year, and its effects on the tides will be felt around the world.

In popular astronomy, a Supermoon appears when a Full Moon or New Moon reaches its point of perigee – its closest orbit above Earth.

New Moons happen regularly, but this event is special. It's also a Supermoon. A Moon becomes "super" when it reaches its perigee, or the point in its orbit closest to Earth. On the 31st of August, the Supermoon and the New Moon will coincide.

A New Moon signals the start and end of the monthly Lunar cycle. When combined on the same night, a rare, Black Moon is born.

This new moon will also create a wide grand earth with both Uranus and Saturn trine to sun moon, mercury, Venus and mars in Virgo.

This may usher in unexpected abundance. And it’s a great window to use this energy for long-term success by identifying what’s not working, taking action and building a solid foundation, fixing the cracks and then continuing to put in a consistent effort to build the vision inspiring us.

Virgo season has officially begun, and the New Moon will rise in Virgo on August 31st. In astrology, the New Moon is a time for introspection and reflection as we celebrate a new beginning.

This month, we can expect to experience Virgo’s influence apon us, highlighting traits in organization, idealism, and healing. The Virgo New Moon is a perfect time to commit: to commit to a new venture, a new project, a new pursuit, or even to yourself.

Virgo is represented by the virgin or maiden, with virgin originally meaning someone who was complete unto themselves. This Virgo New Moonis a chance to not only commit to yourself, but to honor and love every part of who you are.

This may take the form of performing a New Moon Ritual. “You may wish to perform a ritual of dedication to yourself,  or a ritual in dedication of a commitment you can make to your growth and evolution or simply write down one thing you can commit to till the September full moon.

Virgo and the asteroid Vesta represent our relationship with rituals, sacred space and devotion. This is the perfect time to contemplate the rituals in your life and how they serve you. We all have daily rituals and routines, whether they are intentional or not.

This is a good time to reflect on your daily routines: “How can you be more mindful about the activities you do each day? How can you introduce new mini rituals into your life that fulfill your own unique spiritual needs?

Virgo is the sign that governs health, habits and routines, making this the optimal time to consider practical ways we can implement healthy habits for increased wellbeing. Coupled with the New Moon energy it is a time to really listen to your body’s needs and honour them…a time to regroup and recoup.


This new moon we will have 7 planets in earth signs (8 if we include Pluto in Capricorn).
We will also have 7 planets (out of 10) in mutable signs indicating this is a time for adapting to change, which can be potentially challenging for earth sign transits when we like to feel stable.

We will have 5 planets in Virgo this new moon: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. This stellium of planets are all forming a trine (harmonious 60 degree angle) to Uranus, planet of sudden change in Taurus, the Earth. Signalling a challenge to reform how we treat the Earth Mother, how we use material resources and how we honour or dishonour our bodies. 

This New Moon is likely to urge us to ask, ‘How can I serve the Earth and Myself best?’ Fortunately we also have Mercury trine Uranus ideal for moments of seeing the light with ‘A ha’ moments of clarity.

We also have:
  • Sun trine Uranus, bringing positive change
  • Venus trine Uranus ushering in unexpectedly opportunities for love
  • Mars trine Uranus, igniting us with passion to take action
Venus and Mars become were conjunct at 3 degrees Virgo on the 24th of August causing us to evaluate whether our relationships are healthy by noticing the impact they’re having on our health and wellbeing.

Virgo analyses the specifics so we may cite specific examples why a partnership is not honouring of us or serving our  highest good and growth? What impact is this relationship having on my health and wellbeing?

New Moon August 2019 Summary...

The August 31st New Moon is strong and sexy because it is only one degree from Mars. Venus adds affection and tenderness to the raw, primal sex drive of Mars. This perfect blend of love and sex is well suited to finding your soul mate. Mercury is also close to the new moon which helps you understand and share your most passionate feelings and desires.

The New Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars are all trine Uranus. This makes it even easier to express yourself like never before. You can confidently show the world the real you and tell people what you care about, what you love and what you really want.

New moon August 2019 is excellent for making changes and starting something new. Follow your intuition and step outside your comfort zone with confidence. Decide what you really want and go for it.

The effects of this new moon lasts four weeks up to the September 29th new moon. The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of this new moon cycle. This waxing phase of the Moon lasts from August 31st to the September 15th full moon. Check Out All Our New Moon Rituals Here >>

How The August 2019 New Moon Will Affect You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign!

♈ Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Time to reorganize:  The New Moon will have an important impact on your daily life, your rituals as well as on your professional life. You’ll feel the need to reevaluate things during this Moon phase and will be faced with the challenge of reorganizing your days.

♋ Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

New friendships: The New Moon will make you very sociable and you could even end up meeting lots of new interesting people that you instantly click with. As for your professional life, things will take an exciting turn for you.

♌ Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

Check your finances: The Black Moon is shining down on your Leo, and is encouraging you to make some lucrative financial decisions. Why not look into making some bold financial moves; the risk could pay off and see you hit the jackpot.

♐ Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Professional difficultie: This Black Moon will see some changes be implemented in your professional life, Sagittarius. You’ll have a hard time accepting the changes, yet your efforts of resistance won’t pay off. You need to understand that you can’t win every battle.

♑ Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Relationship revolution: Capricorn, the Black Moon will see you making either a new friend or meeting someone you are very sexually attracted to. If you have an upcoming trip planned, you may need to tweak some of your plans and make some adjustments to them.

♒ Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

New you: Aquarius friends, the Black Moon will encourage you to reevaluate your lifestyle and could urge you to pick up a new sport. Changing your eating habits will do you the world of good. A boost in your libido isn’t totally out of the question either.

♓ Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

Plenty of good news: Pisces, New Moon will have you meeting someone who really gets your heart racing. On the professional side of things, you could be in with a good chance of signing a new contract and hitting the jackpot.

I hope you enjoyed this post, please - Like - Follow - Share. Thank you!

Happy New Moon Everyone!

Leigh ^j^

Here are some New Moon Rituals You May Be Interested In:

NEW MOON RITUAL: Harness The Energy Of The New Moon!

NEW MOON MANIFESTATIONS: Getting The Most Out Of The New Moon!

NEW MOON RITUAL: 5 Simplistic Ways to Create A New Moon Ritual...

NEW MOON RITUAL: Utilizing the New Moon Energy to Cleanse & Charge your Crystals!

A New Moon Ritual: To Set Your Intentions & Manifest Your Desires in 4 Simple Steps!

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