WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: 14th July > 20th July

WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: 14th July > 20th July... .What does the New Week have in store for you? Check out your Stars Below to find out!



This week we begin an eclipse season with the New Moon in Cancer. This week is all about is about receptive, nourishing, food and safety.


Aries (March 20–April 19)

You may be feeling stressed due to relationship challenges.  Don’t let it blow your blood pressure.  Everyone else is stressed this summer and people freak easily.  Step back from your criticism of others and recognize that people in general are doing the best they can.

​​Taurus (April 20 -- May 20)

​​​​Love life, travel, and play are favoured this week.  Avoid situations that put you at odds with someone in authority.  The answer will be ‘no’.   This is a good time to discuss issues within a relationship because you are steady of mind and likely to be realistic, in relation to yourself as well as others.

Gemini (May 20–June 20)

Circumstances may cause you to feel cornered into giving time and attention to something or someone you would rather not.  This looks like a situation in which you can’t win.  Either you will feel guilty or you will comply.  Fortunately this dilemma looks relatively short.


​​Cancer (June 21–July 21)

Please read the lead paragraph.  On the 12th of July, the eclipsed New Moon will be in your sign.  Your ideals may be challenged by others who do not wish to cooperate.  Make no effort to persuade them now.  Do what you can do on your own.  In time your challenger(s) will see your vision.

​Leo (July 22–August 21)

This summer you are likely being confronted with a shocking truth.  It is probably something about yourself or your early history that you did not previously know and it may alter your perspective forever.  It is meant to bring freedom from a lie, whether that lie was intentionally perpetrated or not.

Virgo (August 22–September 22)

You may need to concentrate in order to avoid critics, whether they be internal or external.  In an ideal world, you would be on vacation now and beyond the fray of daily demands.  Relationships with children and/or lovers should be going smoothly.

​​​Libra (Sep. 23–Oct. 22)

​Some elements in your life are flowing easily and others are roadblocked.  The solution is simple.  “Go with the flow.”  Relationships may require extra work and attention.  Do what you can, but don’t take on problems that are not yours to solve.  If you feel as though you are in a double-bind, you are.  You cannot be everywhere at once.

​Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Issues that have been brewing for a while in relationship(s) are coming to a turning point.  You and another may be vying for emotional control.  This can be very subtle and create long term issues that occasionally explode to the surface.  You know control is not satisfying.  Look for a means of cooperating equally in the solution.

​​​Sagittarius (November 22–December 20)

​​There are “signals” in your path that give you clues about what to do next.  You may meet one or more people who give you an idea or plan that could serve you well in the future.  This energy is subtle.  Don’t expect to be knocked over.  Look more deeply if something new occurs that leaves you thinking about it over and over.   It represents a message.

​​​Capricorn (December 21–January 19)

This is not your smoothest week.  Details may nag your mind and your time like pecking ducks.  You and significant others are not having the best of communications right now.
Think carefully about what is truly important to you now, at this time in your life.  Don't allow old habits or rules from the past to make your decisions for you.

​Aquarius (January 20–February 17)

Read the lead paragraph.  This eclipse occurs in your sixth house of health, co-workers, and activities related to your job.  Your physical self is more than normally reactive to the general environment.  Take especially good care of yourself.  Don’t take risks with exercise or with tools.

​Pisces (February 18–March 19)

You may feel as though you came from another planet this week.  Communications may be misunderstood, snarled, or lost altogether.   Do not make assumptions about what others mean.  Ask questions and clarify for best results...

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Have a Wonderful Day!

Leigh ^j^

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