September Full Moon in Pisces: A Time to Review Your Path!

Are you heading to where you want to go?

This full moon is an opportunity to review and transcend old stories that result in a mindset of victimhood/martyrdom and feelings of blame/resentment. Our challenge is to confront:
*  How we are addicted to these states of being?
*  When did we anchor this story as our reality? So we could seek others to play their part to prove   our story true.
What pay off’s do we get from investing in our dysfunctional stories? Such as blaming others or our past to avoid taking responsibility in the now to heal it within ourselves.
Pisces asks us to find the light in the darkness; the experiential wisdom we’ve gained from our painful experiences and identify how it has been the perfect preparation for our acts of service so we can be grateful for the experience.

A Full Moon has a relationship to the previous New Moon. The August 31st New Moon helped you get in touch with your most passionate desires and share them. It was excellent for starting something new or reenergizing something, especially of a romantic nature. The September 14 Full Moon lasts for two weeks up to the September 28th New Moon.

Energy runs high during a FULL MOON… you may feel more emotional, electric, experience sleep disturbances or have expressive / lucid dreams. You may also find your intuition is heightened, synchronicity more pronounced and you become more aware or sensitive to the energy of the environment / people / plants / animals… actually everything!

There are many ways to balance yourself and your energy that comes with the highly charged energy of a Full Moon, you can: Earth /Ground (find some grounding rituals here) yourself by walking bare foot on the ground, hiking in nature, swimming in a lake or the ocean or connecting with Crystals to name a few. (find some cleansing rituals here)

September Full Moon:

This September Full Moon activates Jupiter square Neptune, the major long term challenging aspect of 2019. It is strengthening towards the last of its three exact aspects this year on September 21st. Given this final square occurs within this two-week moon phase, its effects will be particularly strong.

Jupiter square Neptune brings gullibility, suspicion, and deception that can lead to embarrassment or disappointment. And the T-square with Mars brings moodiness, anger and impulsive actions that increase the risk of delusion and scandal.

With the Full Moon Conjunct Neptune, the emphasis of this Full Moon's astrology will be on confusion and deception. But Neptune also rules hopes, dreams, and spirituality, and the strongest aspect to the Full Moon gives great potential here. The powerful influence of Pluto makes this a full moon for positive transformations and rebirth through intense personal interaction and the purging of emotional baggage and destructive behaviors.

This September Full Moon is also in Constellation Phoenix. The strongest aspect to the Full Moon is a supportive one to Pluto so this is definitely a full moon for positive transformation and rebirth.

What Energies This Full Moon Brings:

This September Full Moon brings your home, family and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this moon phase. Opposing forces such as work versus home, or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a Full Moon. So use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an impartial and balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.

Cestial Energies Impacting This Full Moon:

Jupiter square Neptune brings a test of faith due to some embarrassment or disappointment. You may feel optimistic, trusting and generous but the risk of delusion and deception is big. A tendency toward suspicion and paranoia may prove safer than over idealization and gullibility. Avoid gambling, drugs, gurus, cults and get-rich-quick schemes.

Mars opposite Neptune can bring discouragement, weakness, and feelings of inadequacy. Sexual perversion, fear of competition and misdirected energy can lead to embarrassment, deception or disappointment. Your expectations in your career and sex life may be out of touch with reality.

Mars square Jupiter gives energy, initiative and a willingness to take risks. Although you may be feeling strong, sexy and enthusiastic, a tendency toward impulsive actions could lead to embarrassment, mistakes or accidents. So moderate your energy and use forethought and strategy to avoid losses and physical or emotional exhaustion.

What Full Moon Challenges May Arise:

Full Moon conjunct Neptune increases your emotional sensitivity but also your level of insecurity and confusion. Picking up the wrong signals could bring delusion, guilt, deception, and scandal. Dreams can turn into fantasies and suspicion into paranoia. So remember the difference between fantasy and reality to avoid rejection and embarrassment. You may also be more susceptible to addiction, poisoning, illness, and infection.

Full Moon square Jupiter gives a tendency toward overconfidence and excess. Changeable moods and changing tastes could lead you astray. A lowering of standards or disloyalty in relationships could cause embarrassment or scandal. A tendency toward overdoing things also needs to be watched with food, drugs, and shopping.

Full Moon opposite Mars can make you moody, selfish, annoyed and short-tempered. Anger and a tendency to act without thinking increase the risk of minor irritations turning into arguments or fights. Relationships may suffer from impulsive actions and aggressive instincts. Channel your energy toward hard work, exercise, and competition to avoid hostility.

Full Moon sextile Pluto makes your subconscious more intense and powerful. Deeply buried feelings are exposed and you will gain more control over your emotions, reactions, and instinctive behaviors. Intense personal interactions show exactly how you feel about someone and how they feel about you. An important relationship may evolve to a deeper level or you will be free to move on.

Anything outdated or no longer needed in your life can be reborn. You can get to the cause of any bad habit or addiction. You can deeply probe under the surface to solve mysteries or investigate crimes and secrets. Your intuition is very strong and can guide on your journey into the underworld.

Full Moon Solutions:

This September Full Moon may have your emotions at an all time high.  Do not be dismayed.  Being as this full Moon is in the sign of Pisces it will bring a calming water affect, which will bring about an attunement for your emotions.  So any feelings that come your way doing this time be gentle with yourself and know that you are being reconditioned and recharged by this healing water of Pisces.

The Full Moon sheds its brilliant light, making everything easy to see and gather. The veils between the worlds are thinnest around a full moon, so be careful what you invite into your space and life.

It is best used to purge all things out that are no longer benifitial for you, and banish the negative energies out of your life. Now more than ever we need to keep our spiritual and physical selves protected and cleansed.

This Full Moon highlights the need to bring our focus and attention to how we are actually spending the minutes of our day. What we do day in and day out creates our life, so think about your daily routine and how you can tidy things up and schedule more time for the things you really want to do.

This month is also great for getting organized, for clearing out the clutter from your home or your mind, and for making sure your routine leaves time for self- care. Earth energy likes to keep things practical and simple, so be realistic when it comes to your goals and what it is that you want to get done. Remember, this is not a time for dreaming it is a time for doing and taking action!

If you have felt sluggish, unmotivated or if things have been moving too slow for your liking, this Full Moon  may bring the push you have been looking for. If there is something you’ve been meaning to do, or something you wish to cross off your to-do list, take action this full Moon, as you may just find things get done much quicker than expected!

It is time for us to spiritually shed the dead parts from our souls, just like the trees are letting go of the leaves, and make way for the new growth that is being released at this sacred time. This is your opportunity to advance your soul growth. Do not let this moment pass you by.

This is a wonderful time to do a Full Moon Release Ritual, you can find some Full Moon Release Rituals HERE or use this this Simple, Effective Release Ceromony below:

Write down all of the things that you would like to release on a piece of paper.
Go outside and read your releases out loud>
*  Use a barbecue, fireplace, or a pot to burn the paper.
Thank the Moon, God, and all that is Divine and put out the fire.

While September proves to be a generous month, we must be ever conscious of the path ahead, the needs that may arise and that life is always a maze of shifts, twists and turns.

This is the harvest time, where all the hard work and effort we have put into things in the past, so tirelessly, is about to be rewarded. We will start to reap what we have sewn.

Things have not always been easy and you may be feeling tired like you have been working so hard for little reward, but do not give up even though you are tired. Do not quit so close to the finish line as you are nearly there and with the energy that is coming through you will be able to reach your goals.

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